Jorge Di Paola, MD What do ASPHO’s members need or want that ASPHO can provide or accomplish? Do ASPHO’s programming and our prioritization of initiatives match members’ needs? I will need your help to answer these critical questions in the coming months.
My most important goal in the next year is to help guide ASPHO through an effective strategic planning process that will steer ASPHO for the next 3 to 5 years. The more vocal members are, and the more input we receive, the better our priorities over the next few years will support your work, your professional growth, and the care you provide to our patients. This is your Society, so your participation is crucial. Why strategic planning? Professional membership organizations face a barrage of requests from members and partners to develop new programs, services, technologies, and more. They can’t do it all, and it can be challenging to decide which opportunities deserve resources. A strategic plan based on input by members “enables an organization to function from an intentional and active place rather than a reactive one. It streamlines decision making and acts as a road map for realizing the organization’s vision.” Our current goals reflect work we have focused on and prioritized over the past 4 years. I would like to review our current goals and invite you to participate this summer in sharing what you need most from your membership organization! We have expanded our collaboration and raised our profile through our External Relations and Advocacy goal. We continue to develop education, expand delivery opportunities of novel discoveries, and determine new ways to provide content through our Discovery and Education goals. ASPHO has focused on mentoring and showcasing career pathways through its Career Development goal and finally adding practice resources, creating awareness of the workforce and supporting recruitment and retention through our Workforce goal. We already have had several meetings to prepare for strategic planning and hired a consultant to ensure we complete the process effectively. A key step of strategic planning will involve gathering input through focus groups and member surveys this summer. We hope to have a draft strategic plan by fall, and then we will be refining it and posting it for member comments and feedback this winter. We hope that you will be vocal. Next, we will make edits and share the new plan at the 2022 ASPHO Conference. I invite you to participate and help guide your professional Society into the future! Sincerely, M. Monica Gramatges, MD PhD Childhood cancer survivors are at risk for multiple morbidities related to their cancer treatment. Many late effects have an antecedent subclinical phase that can be detected by screening, offering opportunities for secondary prevention. Therefore, long-term follow-up care is imperative to achieving optimal health outcomes.
So, why do so few survivors receive survivor-focused care and even fewer receive counseling on late-effects risk reduction and screening?1 Survivors with higher income and private medical insurance have higher rates of healthcare utilization, whereas those who have lower educational attainment, less medical insurance, and travel further are less likely to obtain survivorship care.2-5 Ethnic and racial minorities also are at increased risk for adverse health outcomes and loss to follow-up, disparities that may be related to disadvantaged socioeconomic background.6 While most Children’s Oncology Group (COG) institutions provide survivorship care, only half offer continuation of care into adulthood.7 The remaining sites transition survivors to primary or adult providers for long-term follow-up care. Survivorship care plans (SCP) facilitate that transition, because adult survivors rarely possess sufficient knowledge of their diagnosis and treatment to inform understanding of their late-effects risk,8,9 but few internists report receiving a treatment summary, and most are unaware of available guidelines.10,11 COG’s Long-Term Follow-up Guidelines for Survivors of Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers provide the essential framework for determining exposure-based risks for late effects and recommended surveillance.12 Successful clinical application requires resource familiarity, access to the treatment history, and time to generate a personalized risk profile and plan for surveillance. Even among pediatric oncologists, up to one-third fail to recommend appropriate screening based on clinical history.13 National leaders in childhood cancer survivorship have developed evidence-based approaches to promote universal, equitable delivery of high-quality survivorship care. The strategies outlined here are designed to promote, foster, and maintain survivor engagement; support clinical decision-making and guidelines implementation; and address systemic barriers contributing to disparities in healthcare access and utilization.14 References The Special Feature section of eNews highlights member-authored opinion pieces on broad issues in pediatric hematology/oncology that are of interest to ASPHO's diverse membership. Share your perspective and expertise with colleagues in an eNews Special Feature. Contact
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if you would like to contribute an article. Copyright© 2021 by the American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the Feature Articles are those of the author alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of ASPHO, its Board of Trustees, or staff. The information in this newsletter is intended to provide readers with resources and information that they may find useful and of interest and is only current as of the publication date. ASPHO is not liable to any party as a result of their reliance on the information, recommendations, services, or resources discussed or made available through this newsletter. Read the 2020 Annual Report to see how ASPHO is supporting members through advocacy & external relations, education, discovery, career development, and workforce issues—the five pillars of the Society’s current strategic plan. ASPHO is committed to obtaining and providing the latest in PHO workforce data and trends. Toward this goal, this summer we will be launching the 2021 Workforce and Productivity Survey under the direction of Vault Consulting. As with past workforce surveys, Division Directors will be asked to complete the survey for their institutions to get the most accurate data. A diverse task force has commenced working on the development of the question content to ensure the survey is appropriately addressing important workforce topics within the subspecialty. This task force includes Learn more about ASPHO’s workforce-based initiatives by visiting the workforce webpage, which includes information on our current workforce strategy. Looking for mentorship outside of your home institution? The ASPHO mentoring program can help provide another perspective on your personal and professional development while growing your professional network. The program is only available to members, including trainees, recent fellowship graduates (typically 1–2 years out of training), and advanced practice providers. To find out more about the program, visit our mentoring webpage. The Training Committee is excited to present this month’s edition of the Career Path Spotlight series. This resource showcases the career paths of a variety of ASPHO physician members and informs medical students, residents, pediatric hematology/oncology fellows, and early career junior faculty members of the career opportunities available to them.
Celebrate and learn from prestigious awardees, lectureship recipients, and presenters at the ASPHO Summer Symposium on Tuesday, July 27, 9:30 am–3 pm CT! This special virtual event will feature research and presentations by individuals recognized for significant contributions to pediatric hematology/oncology. Free to 2021 ASPHO Conference registrants, the event program will celebrate these distinguished award winners and their contributions impacting the science and practice of pediatric hematology/oncology: Up to 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ available. The event will also be available in on-demand format. Registration is now open! Everyone must register for the event, but conference registrants will receive complimentary registration. Please visit the ASPHO website for more information. The Education Committee recently reviewed webinar proposals from ASPHO Special Interest Groups and Committees. The Education Committee is excited to announce the following topics for webinar presentation this year: The specific schedule is being finalized and will be announced later this summer. Visit ASPHO Webinars for future information regarding the series. Past webinars can be viewed in the Knowledge Center. Access to telemedicine and telehealth services continues to be broadened during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Medicare coverage and payment for these services have been expanded on a temporary and emergency basis. States are also allowing license flexibility during the crisis. These regulatory flexibilities are still in effect, and the Department of Health and Human Services has provided several useful resources, including information on Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). For more information on telemedicine and COVID-19, visit the COVID–19 Resources for Pediatric Hematologists/Oncologists page. During the 2021 ASPHO Conference, the Society held a virtual Business Meeting on April 23, 2021, to share 2020 accomplishments, review 2020 financial performance, recognize of outgoing leaders, and welcome incoming leaders. View the recordings of the Business Meeting and Pediatric Blood & Cancer Editorial Board Report, available to Society members. The conclusion of the ASPHO Conference marked the transition to a new 2021–2022 volunteer leadership cycle. ASPHO welcomes new Board of Trustee members Sarah Alexander, MD, Clinical Director, Division of Haematology/Oncology at Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario; and Mukta Sharma, MD MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, PHO, at Children’s Mercy in Kansas City, MO, as Trustees-at-Large. Outgoing board members Dana Matthews, MD, and Nobuko Hijiya, MD, were recognized for their leadership and dedication at the April Board of Trustees meeting. Committee members and special interest group leaders also transitioned terms. ASPHO appreciates the dedication and many contributions of our volunteer members! A 3-year-old male was referred to Pediatric Orthopedics by his pediatrician for a 5-month history of posterior neck pain. A 3-year-old male was referred to pediatric orthopedics by his pediatrician for a 5-month history of posterior neck pain. Since the initial complaint, the child has received twice weekly sessions by a chiropractor for stretching and massage over this 5-month period. Parents report episodes of “sharp” pain in which the child will grab his neck and cry. Other times, the child vocalizes that his neck hurts and holds the back of his head. ASPHO would like to thank our speakers, presenters, Conference Planning Committee, and over 1,200 attendees who helped make the 2021 ASPHO Conference a success! Despite this year’s switch to a virtual experience, #ASPHO2021 continued to provide an opportunity for the PHO community to connect, network, and learn from some of the top experts in the field. Attendees can continue to access on-demand recordings of education sessions, SIG workshops, and wellness activities, as well as complete evaluations for CME, through July 23. We hope to see you in Pittsburgh, May 4-7, 2022, for the 2022 ASPHO Conference! Plus, continue the learning on July 27 at ASPHO’s Summer Symposium with complimentary registration for conference registrants! ASPHO would like to extend a huge thank you to our sponsors who helped make the 2021 ASPHO Conference possible. Missed the live event? Registration is still open for the 2021 ASPHO Conference. Register today and gain on-demand access to all conference educational sessions and earn up to 37 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and 10 MOC Part 2 points through July 23! The virtual conference offers the latest science and recommendations with over 30 education sessions, SIG workshops, and 350 posters, all in a flexible on-demand format that will keep you current with critical knowledge for the subspecialty. Take advantage of our additional wellness resources, including yoga and meditation recordings. Plus, conference registrants receive complimentary access to ASPHO’s Summer Symposium on July 27. ASPHO’s Career Center offers resources for resume writing, coaching, reference checks and more. Take advantage of ASPHO's Career Center resources to stay on top of job openings in the field. Skim the Resources section for resume writing, coaching, reference check, search strategy videos, and more. Create a personal account to save job postings and skim FAQs to learn how to best navigate the site! The Career Center is the go-to source where institutions post employment and targeted recruitment opportunities in the field. Have you seen the latest issue of Advocacy Brief? Learn about important legislative and regulatory issues impacting pediatric hematology/oncology, and #ASPHOadvocacy efforts to support members, patients, and the profession.June 2021
Table of Contents
President's Message
Strategic Planning is on the Way!
A strategic plan helps you anticipate upcoming challenges by examining your organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, scanning its external environment, and identifying and troubleshooting obstacles. It provides a framework and decision matrix to guide your day-to-day decisions, including prioritizing investments and opportunities to pursue.
JorgeSpecial Feature
Strengthening Survivorship Outcomes and Care
Texas Children’s Hospital
2021 recipient, Northwestern Mutual Award for Excellence in Childhood Cancer Survivorship
Society News
Progress and Transitions: 2020 Annual Report
Coming this Summer: The 2021 ASPHO Workforce Survey Launch
ASPHO Mentoring Program
Career Path Spotlight Series
This month’s spotlight features Dr. Leslie Kersun from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Philadelphia, PA!
ASPHO Summer Symposium
ASPHO’s Webinar Series Topics Announced
Telemedicine and COVID-19 Resources Update
Membership Bulletin
Society Highlights: 2021 Business Meeting Recordings
Thank You, Incoming and Outgoing Volunteers
Case Quiz
Neck Pain in a 3-year-old
Conference Central
Thank You for Making #ASPHO2021 a Success!
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Registration for #ASPHO2021 On-Demand Is Still Open!
Career Center
Visit the Career Center Today
Stay Informed with ASPHO!